Monday, March 30, 2020

Chemistry Matters In Todays World

Chemistry Matters In Today's WorldAre you wondering about the essence of chemosynthesis? Well, this is the part of science that studies the process by which molecules and chemicals combine in a physical body to form different elements. The function of this phenomenon is to supply and develop energy for the whole body to function properly. It also keeps the body healthy from time to time by disposing unwanted substances from your body and thus protecting your mind and body from toxins and other harmful elements.There are various chemical compounds that are responsible for the good functioning of the human body. They include carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus. These can be categorized into different groups such as:Water: Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus are all present in every part of the world except for water. Water is usually the most commonly found compound present in a body. It is also very essential for all body processes to happen properly. Thus, witho ut water, the entire body will eventually die.Fat: Fat is actually a combination of the first two compounds mentioned above. If it is not broken down to other elements by the body, it will slowly become fat. The fat that is found in your body is known as simple carbohydrates. The fats in your body do not directly harm the body.Proteins: Proteins are the next compound in our chemistry matters. They can be used by the body to produce a number of materials such as enzymes, hormones, antibodies, cartilage, etc. The body normally produces enough proteins needed by the body to run.Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates include many different types of carbohydrates. The common type of carbohydrates sugars which we have all come across on a daily basis. The glucose or the sugar is one of the three major types of carbohydrates found in the body.Hydrogen: Hydrogen is found in the largest amounts in the body. It is used to produce energy through the use of oxygen. Some of the other major sources of hydr ogen are protein, creatine, and bile salts.Each of these compounds should be in the correct amounts to perform well. If the wrong compound is in the body, it could cause a lot of problems. So, it is always best to get an expert opinion from a qualified person to find out what the right amount of each compound should be.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Ask a Nerd! The Resume Blues

Ask a Nerd! The Resume Blues Ask a Nerd! | Tips from an Orange County private tutor Question: Im a recent college graduate and have been looking for a job in my field for over a year. I have yet to receive an interview even though I only apply to jobs that are appropriate for my skill set and experience level. What am I doing wrong? Brief: There are many reasons why somebody would not get called back for an interview in this competitive job market. There are far more applicants than there are jobs and resumes can be easily lost when sent through online sources. Answer Assuming that an applicant is applying to jobs that are either internship or entry-level, the main issues seem to be applying through online sources. Long gone are the days when somebody could show their winning personality by applying in person or send unsolicited resumes and cover letters through snail mail. Today, applicants have to be hyperaware of their online presence and how to make it work (READ: The Top 5 Interview Pitfalls). 1. Be everywhere Young professionals have to be everywhere. Get on LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter etc… Students who have already graduated can start building their online presence now while theyre simultaneously applying for jobs in their field. The most important professional presence is LinkedIn, but every positive social media format is a good thing. Checklist: Follow companies in the desired field of study to receive updates and stay in touch Share pertinent and job-relevant information on various public social media sites Connect with experienced professionals in the field as much as possible Students who are currently juniors or seniors in college should build an online presence now. The longer the portfolio is active, the more students can add to it as time goes by. After a while, this can become exhausting so its recommended that jobseekers spend no more than an hour a day to preserve mental energy for work and study. 2. Be visual A basic one-page resume is no longer enough to make somebody stand out. Applicants are encouraged to stand out on more than one platform. Consider adding visual supplements to the resume that are more likely to stand out from the pack and have a better chance of resulting in an interview or call back. YouTube videos, PowerPoint presentations, or any specialized computer program for a specific field are great ways to create a visual addition to a resume that doesnt just tell a potential employer that someone can get the job done but also shows them. 3. Follow through Many new graduates will send out an email or respond through the companys website and never hear back. Although this is very frustrating, its important to remember that they can also hear back from you. Applicants are encouraged to follow through regarding their resume within a week of sending out their application. Its important that applicants make their best effort to find a direct email to somebody at the HR department so that there is a better chance of it being read (READ: Ask a Nerd! Grades and AP Class). Applicants should ask if the company would like any supplemental information or if it would be possible to have an interview. The worst the employer can say is “no”. Larger companies will often have things in place to make it difficult for potential applicants to get in touch. This is done on purpose and to prevent HR from having unsolicited calls and emails. Of course, applicants should be respectful of any specific instructions given on the company website; however, one or two follow-up emails should be acceptable. If a potential employer doesnt want to talk to you, they will certainly let you know. In short? Some will say that social media and online forums are making it easier to apply for jobs while others will say its much harder. The emerging generation is left with this method of job search whether they like it or not. A heavy social media presence and appropriate follow-through are great ways to start getting closer to an interview. Have a question for one of our nerds? Tweet it to us @TutorNerds. Give yourself the TutorNerds advantage by checking back often for the latest in our “Ask a Nerd” series. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

How to Learn Old English - How It Can Help You Speak English Better

How to Learn Old English - How It Can Help You Speak English BetterIf you are like me and can read and write, it can be quite a challenge to learn the English language. Of course, you don't have to be an English expert, as it's a relatively easy language to learn. There are many different ways you can learn English, and some of them will suit you better than others.Old English, which dates back as far as the eighth century, was not as well known as other Romance languages at the time. Many people were more interested in learning the French and Spanish languages, so the English language was not used much in Europe for centuries. This is why, as I said earlier, old English is not much spoken today.It's a great way to learn old English, since it doesn't take much time. The fact that there are so many different written forms means that you are bound to learn some of the more unusual words. Most people who are learning to speak English today will also have a lot of their knowledge about t he history of the language in their homes.These days, you can get hold of great DVDs and books that teach you many of the basic words you need to know. Many are already familiar with the written form of the language, so it won't be that difficult for them to pick up the basics. A lot of people enjoy seeing what their grandmother or parents used to speak in the past, so having someone to watch over you as you learn how to speak your mother tongue can be a great experience.Another way to learn English is through the Internet. There are plenty of free ebooks and courses on how to speak the language, and in fact, you can find an online course at just about any subject. You'll find a wide range of subjects that can offer you a practical way to learn the language, including science, business, sports, travel, arts and letters.As long as you can write and read, the internet can be a great way to learn the language, since there are so many opportunities to make yourself know the words in a w ay that suits you. Using your imagination, you can have fun playing along with one of the many online games available. Even better, with a laptop or even a simple PC, you can test yourself to see how well you can speak English.With all these tools available, it shouldn't be too hard to learn the English language. If you would prefer not to look into textbooks or to learn in your own home, then old English might be for you.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Earn Extra Income As a Tutor For Foreigners - Online English Tutoring Jobs For Koreans

Earn Extra Income As a Tutor For Foreigners - Online English Tutoring Jobs For KoreansIf you are interested in an opportunity to increase your job skills and make a lot of money at the same time, there are lots of online English tutoring jobs for Koreans out there. All you need is a few hours a week to help them with their English.In Korea, English is a very important language and is taught in schools and even paraded in some occasions. Many of the businesses, including restaurants, banks, and shops require them to communicate in English to their clients, so if you are fluent in this language, you could work for these companies.There are many opportunities in the online world for someone who has extra income. Many people are starting their own businesses and are working from home. Many of them make money by offering tutoring to foreigners, and some of them even run private lessons for Koreans.Online tutoring in English is probably the best way to earn an extra income. You can study i n your own time and don't have to go to school. It also gives you the freedom to work when you want to and doesn't affect your school schedule.If you are already fluent in a foreign language, you could take your English classes when you feel like it. A Korean is very familiar with English, and they would help you out when you needed it. As a student, you would be able to take your exams in English, and pass them with ease.You should think about taking a course on how to learn English, since it's an absolute necessity. But if you do decide to pursue the online English tutoring jobs for Koreans, there are plenty of ways for you to make money.There are people who don't speak English, and so they would need assistance from someone who speaks the language. This would help them get a grasp of the language quickly, and if you know any Korean, you could also offer them lessons. Tutoring for foreigners is one of the many ways that you could earn extra income in Korea.

33 Best Career Blogs For Women(Get Inspired!) - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 33 Best Career Blogs For Women(Get Inspired!) - Introvert Whisperer 33 Best Career Blogs For Women(Get Inspired!) This post was originally published on BeautyPros. Women truly can have it all â€" a successful career and a happy family! Thousands of women are doing just that, enjoying what they do in the workplace and raising and caring for a loving family at home. We’ve picked 33 of the best career, leadership, and entrepreneurship blogs, many of which are run by successful women. These blogs will inspire you and motivate you to excel and be passionate about your line of work, or in many cases, make something you excel at and are passionate about your career! It was no easy task to put together this list as there are so many awesome blogs out there, but we’ve tried our best, and if you have any other suggestions, please feel free to leave them in the comments. These blogs are listed in no particular order. Take The Interview by The Digital Recruiter

Know the Difference Between In-Person, Online, and Hybrid Courses

Know the Difference Between In-Person, Online, and Hybrid Courses One of the many perks of college is that, to some extent, you can choose which style of course is the best fit for you. Its important to grasp the difference between in-person, online, and hybrid courses so that when given the opportunity, you can choose the one that matches your preferred learning style. For example, in-person classes encourage a high level of collaboration and in-class participation, while online courses require you to vigilantly keep up with the assignment schedule, and hybrid courses ask a bit of both from students. When deciding what classes to take, its key to know the difference between in-person, online, and hybrid courses. Keep reading to learn more. In-person courses offer face-to-face contact with professors and fellow students In-person classes allow you to interact face-to-face with your peers and professors, and to collaborate with them on a set schedule. Youre probably used to this style of course from your many prior years of schooling, so it can feel comfortable and familiar. In-person classes vary depending on the subject matter and instructor, but typically youre required to meet two to three times per week for a set amount of time. While all classes differ, youll generally be given a participation score for this course that can consist of in-class participation and attendance. Youll also likely have in-class group assignments that may or may not count for a grade. In-person classes foster a more personal connection with your classmates and professor. [RELATED: How to Write an Email to Your Professor] Online courses provide flexibility and foster self-motivation skills Online courses dont always require a set meeting time each week, but they do have weekly required assignments, such as readings or discussion board posts. This class option is appealing since theres no specific time each week that you must be sitting in a classroom. Its important to keep in mind, however, that online courses require a level of motivation that in-person classes may not. In this style of course, its up to you to set aside structured time to complete all required assignments. Be sure to keep up with the syllabus, because you likely wont have an instructor reminding you of deadlines each week like you might in an in-person class. Since you wont be participating in-person, professors often gather participation grades through weekly discussion board posts. Create a calendar for your online course at the beginning of the semester and outline all due dates. If you choose to sign up for an online class, be prepared to stay on track with assignments and due dates in order to s et yourself up for success. [RELATED: 4 Tips for Connecting with Your Online Instructor] Hybrid courses involve aspects of both in-person and online courses A hybrid course brings together the main attributes of both types of classes. Hybrid courses involve online aspects that are meant to complement the in-class portion of the course, such as discussion boards and video-geared assignments. Some of the characteristics of a hybrid course are very similar to online courses; the difference, though, is the online part of the course is not meant to replace the in-person interactions. Its structured in a way so that it adds to and complements what students learn and discuss in-person. With a hybrid course, students still have the ability to interact face-to-face with peers and to make themselves known to their professor, while enjoying some of the flexibility of an online course. Hybrid courses are not offered for every subject, and the structure will vary by instructor and department. If you select a course thats listed as a hybrid, feel free to reach out to the professor to inquire about the planned structure of the course to see if it matches what youre looking for. [RELATED: 5 Benefits of Using Videos to Learn] How to know whether an in-person, online, or hybrid course is right for you Understandably, you dont always have the ability to select the style of course to take for a specific subject matter. When you do have the option, however, its important to choose the one that fits your learning style best. For example: Do you have a difficult time staying focused and motivated when working on assignments on your own time? An online class may prove challenging for you, while an in-person class may fit your needs. Do scheduling flexibility and loosertime constraints appeal to your lifestyle? An online class may be the right match for you. If you like both the personalized aspect of in-person classes and the flexibility of an online course, a hybrid course could set you up for success. Be honest when examining your strengths and weaknesses in terms of class structures, and determine what style of course will help you achieve your educational goals. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

7 Most effective tips on socializing for introvert (by Introverts) - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 7 Most effective tips on socializing for introvert (by Introverts) - Introvert Whisperer 7 Most effective tips on socializing for introvert (by Introverts) Life is all about making human bonds. Without bonds and people to share your life with, life would become boring and dull. And with making bonds, I don’t mean to have a huge following on the internet and social media. I mean having the courage to go and talk to people face to face. When we meet new people and bond over shared sorrows or joys, those people become special to us. But there are some people like me, who are introverts and it is a huge task to go and talk to people. We love to listen, but giving our inputs is a huge burden for us. For introverts, it is a huge task to enter a social event and mix with people, especially if they are strangers. Here are some of the most effective tricks and tips that will help all introverts out there. Also, it will help people with social anxiety. What more? These tips will work as only introverts shared these tips. Let’s begin…   Don’t overthink, do it If you overthink about every social outing, you will never be able to make a bond. So, put yourself out there.   Step outside your comfort zone and try to have a face-to-face conversation with people.   Use social media to engage in a conversation to get more comfortable with talking to a person. Also, start looking at all social meetings as a chance to meet new people, an adventure, and it will become easy for you.   Get comfortable Before going to a social event, get comfortable with the idea. Find out who will be there as it will help you get relaxed. Also, to remain calm, watch a funny movie or show before going to that event.   Set realistic and simple goals Don’t over expect from yourself. To become a person who is confident meeting and talking to new people, you should set realistic goals for yourself. You can also make planner of the dos and don’ts.   Set a goal to meet and talk to one person a day. It is a simple goal, right? Totally achievable. Or set a goal to go out by yourself to a mall or a social event and meet people and have fun. Don’t set goals like hosting a whole party, it will only pressurize you.     Take inspiration from your extrovert friends We all know one person or have one friend who loves meeting new people or going out. Take help from that friend and tag along with him/her to a social event or so on. It will help you get out and meet some new people and maybe forge a bond with someone.   Also, your extrovert friend will be at ease and might take the whole room by storm. Don’t let that affect you, keep smiling, and be a part of the conversation. Don’t be afraid of the nerves, it just indicates that you are alive Feeling nervous about a social outing, or going to that family dinner? Good, as it shows that you are a human and can feel.   Even though you feel nervous and scared, don’t let it hold you back. Socializing is a skill and with time and practice, once can grow to become a great conversationalist.   Steer the conversation so that it’s about them and not you As an introvert, we rarely like attention and focus on ourselves in a social setting. It makes us uncomfortable and awkward, and we are ready to flee the scene any minute.   But take a deep breath and steer the conversation so the focus is on them. Ask them questions about their lives, and you will feel relaxed and comfortable. It will also help you open up to them.   Don’t think of yourself as an introvert Stop labeling yourself as an introvert or extrovert. We human beings have a complex personality, with so many talents and skills. Labeling us an introvert, or extrovert, or a person with social anxiety only restricts us.   Instead, go and meet new people, try to have a conversation about a common favorite topic or enjoy each other’s company in silence. Gradually, you will become confident enough to go out and have fun without overthinking.   Being an introvert is not a bad thing, and there is no need to change your personality to fit into the world. The only reason we should encourage ourselves to go out, and be with others is to enjoy our one life.     Author Bio : Kavita is Outreach Specialist cum Content writer. When not glued to her laptop, she can be found making travel plans that rarely happen

The 5 Easiest Instruments Perfect for Adult Learners

The 5 Easiest Instruments Perfect for Adult Learners Sign up successful For one, adults are much more independent and self-motivated than a child being forced to take music lessons. With the right help, guidance, and motivation, any adult can excel at playing a musical instrument. If youre not sure where to start, here are five of the easiest instruments for adults to learn. The Easiest Instruments for Adults 1. Ukulele Inexpensive to buy and super fun to play, the ukulele is one of the easiest instruments to learn. With  just four  nylon strings (instead of the guitar’s six), you can quickly pick up simple chords and play some of your favorite songs in just a few weeks. Youll also be able to gain many fundamental skills that make it easier if you ever want to graduate from the ukulele to the guitar. 2. Harmonica Be it blues, jazz, rock, folk, or country music, the harmonica (also known as the Blues Harp) is a great choice for adult beginners. You dont need to know a lot in order to start playing and it has a big advantage that any note will be “in key” it’s hard to sound bad on harmonica! Plus, harmonicas are very portable  you can carry and practice it anywhere and any time. 3. Bongos If youre a fan of salsa, the bongos might be your calling. Bongos originated in Cuba and consist of two conjoined drums. It’s a simpler option than a full drum kit but can provide the same satisfying percussive experience. From there, you can move on to other types of drums and percussion instruments easily! 4. Piano The piano may seem complicated after all, you need to learn to coordinate both hands at once but it’s actually one of the easiest instruments to learn for adults. Because the notes are all laid out in front of you, it’s easier to understand than many other instruments. And although you can play wrong notes, you can’t ever play out of tune the way you can with other instruments. Moreover, due to its popularity, youll have no shortage of useful learning materials when you choose piano as your instrument! 5. Glockenspiel You might recognize the glockenspiel (pronounced “glock-ench-peel”) from your elementary school music classes or if you were ever enrolled in a Kindermusik class. It looks a lot like a smaller version of a xylophone, but instead of having wooden bars, its bars are made of metal, producing a bright and cheery sound. The glockenspiel is  a great way for you to get in touch with your inner child and your inner musician. Which Instrument Will You Choose? Learning how to play a musical instrument as an adult isnt as intimidating as it sounds. There are dozens of instruments out there that are simple and easy to get started with. And while the  options listed above  may be some of the easiest instruments to learn, there’s no need to limit yourself! Whatever instrument you choose, excelling at music will eventually feel easy and natural, just as long as youre genuinely engaged in your lessons and have a dedicated teacher who will nurture your inner musicality along the way. Need help finding a teacher near you, or online? Check out the music teachers at TakeLessons and start becoming the musician youve always dreamed of being! Guest Author: Christopher Sutton is the founder of Easy Ear Training and Musical U, where musicians can discover and develop their natural musicality. Born and raised in London, England, he lives with his wife, daughter, and far too many instruments. Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Find a Maths Tutor in Manchester for Maths Revision

Find a Maths Tutor in Manchester for Maths Revision Get Help with Maths Lessons in Manchester with Dedicated Maths Tutors ChaptersKumon MathsLearn Maths with Manchester City CouncilMaths Tutors at SuperprofLearn Maths with Learndirect ManchesterMaths Tuition at The Manchester CollegeLearning Maths at Trafford Collegein2work.comDo you struggle with maths? Do you find it impossible? It's now time to stop worrying and subscribe to maths courses in Edinburgh!If you put the work in and receive the right support, there is no doubt that  you will succeed in maths.  Sitting through your maths lessons without having a clue to what’s going on is rather tiring, we’ve all been there at some point in our lives and it makes us feel low and hopeless. Whether it was during year 6 or your GCSE maths class.  You sit through your lessons worrying, thinking you're going to fail and will be the last in the class and it's no walk in the park.  Whether you’re about to sit your maths GCSE or are an adult looking to learn maths to increase your job opportunities, have a read of this article because you’ll find a maths tutor that is right for you in Manchester!Superprof is by far the best tutoring website for maths tuition. (Source: offer a free UK service that helps maths tutors Cardiff and tutees find each other via a secure and easy-to-use online tuition platform. You can either take maths lessons locally, face to face, or online, around the UK or the world!Superprof has tutors offering tuition in more than 1000 subjects, including maths!  Whether you're a beginner in maths or are more advanced, Superprof is the right place for you as our tutors will tailor their classes to your Maths needs and requirements!Glasgow.