Thursday, March 5, 2020

7 Most effective tips on socializing for introvert (by Introverts) - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 7 Most effective tips on socializing for introvert (by Introverts) - Introvert Whisperer 7 Most effective tips on socializing for introvert (by Introverts) Life is all about making human bonds. Without bonds and people to share your life with, life would become boring and dull. And with making bonds, I don’t mean to have a huge following on the internet and social media. I mean having the courage to go and talk to people face to face. When we meet new people and bond over shared sorrows or joys, those people become special to us. But there are some people like me, who are introverts and it is a huge task to go and talk to people. We love to listen, but giving our inputs is a huge burden for us. For introverts, it is a huge task to enter a social event and mix with people, especially if they are strangers. Here are some of the most effective tricks and tips that will help all introverts out there. Also, it will help people with social anxiety. What more? These tips will work as only introverts shared these tips. Let’s begin…   Don’t overthink, do it If you overthink about every social outing, you will never be able to make a bond. So, put yourself out there.   Step outside your comfort zone and try to have a face-to-face conversation with people.   Use social media to engage in a conversation to get more comfortable with talking to a person. Also, start looking at all social meetings as a chance to meet new people, an adventure, and it will become easy for you.   Get comfortable Before going to a social event, get comfortable with the idea. Find out who will be there as it will help you get relaxed. Also, to remain calm, watch a funny movie or show before going to that event.   Set realistic and simple goals Don’t over expect from yourself. To become a person who is confident meeting and talking to new people, you should set realistic goals for yourself. You can also make planner of the dos and don’ts.   Set a goal to meet and talk to one person a day. It is a simple goal, right? Totally achievable. Or set a goal to go out by yourself to a mall or a social event and meet people and have fun. Don’t set goals like hosting a whole party, it will only pressurize you.     Take inspiration from your extrovert friends We all know one person or have one friend who loves meeting new people or going out. Take help from that friend and tag along with him/her to a social event or so on. It will help you get out and meet some new people and maybe forge a bond with someone.   Also, your extrovert friend will be at ease and might take the whole room by storm. Don’t let that affect you, keep smiling, and be a part of the conversation. Don’t be afraid of the nerves, it just indicates that you are alive Feeling nervous about a social outing, or going to that family dinner? Good, as it shows that you are a human and can feel.   Even though you feel nervous and scared, don’t let it hold you back. Socializing is a skill and with time and practice, once can grow to become a great conversationalist.   Steer the conversation so that it’s about them and not you As an introvert, we rarely like attention and focus on ourselves in a social setting. It makes us uncomfortable and awkward, and we are ready to flee the scene any minute.   But take a deep breath and steer the conversation so the focus is on them. Ask them questions about their lives, and you will feel relaxed and comfortable. It will also help you open up to them.   Don’t think of yourself as an introvert Stop labeling yourself as an introvert or extrovert. We human beings have a complex personality, with so many talents and skills. Labeling us an introvert, or extrovert, or a person with social anxiety only restricts us.   Instead, go and meet new people, try to have a conversation about a common favorite topic or enjoy each other’s company in silence. Gradually, you will become confident enough to go out and have fun without overthinking.   Being an introvert is not a bad thing, and there is no need to change your personality to fit into the world. The only reason we should encourage ourselves to go out, and be with others is to enjoy our one life.     Author Bio : Kavita is Outreach Specialist cum Content writer. When not glued to her laptop, she can be found making travel plans that rarely happen

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